
What is an Instagram
AR Filter?

Instagram AR filters are effects that can be used in Instagram Stories and Reels that can superimpose digital elements into reality through the camera.

For users, entertainment, creativity and education are their most important criteria.

However, Instagram AR Filters are not only new digital gadgets but also the most modern and one of the most economical tools for social media marketing for brands.

Instagram AR Filters represent the latest trend in social media marketing.
It is currently the most exciting technology in brand marketing, a useful tool to increase the value of the brand.

Why is it good for your brand?


With the dynamic growth of the number of users, Instagram has become an ideal communication tool for brands. Research shows that users are much more committed to brands on Instagram than on other platforms.

In the United Kingdom, more than 20 million users follow at least one business profile on Instagram.
As a result, the role of new devices that better capture the customer’s attention is growing. 

AR Filters provide a more reliable connection between you and your potential customers. By using them, your brand will become a part of your fans’ lives unnoticed.

Az Instagram AR Filterek organikusan és exponenciálisan terjednek.

Instagram AR Filters spread organically and exponentially.

  • The users visit your Instagram profile

  • They take a photo or make a video with your AR filter

  • Then they share it in their own Story.

  • Their friends can access your AR filter through their Stories, who can also use it and share it

  • And their friends too

  • And their friends too

  • And …

This way, everyone becomes the face of your brand, and more trust can be built between you and your fans.

I. Increase the expansivity of the brand

The message of your brand will reach an ever-widening audience through Instagram AR Filters.

II. Improve the connection with the users and also the engagement with the brand

Your fans will become volunteer ambassadors for your brand by using and sharing your AR Filters.

III. You dictate the pace

Your brand enters the crew of trendsetters using Instagram AR Filters. Your fans are always hungry for new experiences, so give them something new, that they will definitely love!

AR Filter strategy


Define the specific, clear goal of your AR filter campaign. 

Think like your consumers. Consider the digital behaviour of the users.

Specify how using the AR filter could enrich the message of your campaign.

Consider the AR Filter as an integral part of your campaign.


Design a straightforward, easy-to-use, eye-catching AR Filter.

Mind the constraints, but also the technical options. Think in 3D.

Dare to step away from known examples and focus on the experience.

Analyse the achievements and draw conclusions.

Case Studies


Plant Based News is one of the largest UK/American vegan news portals.
Their World Plant Milk Day 2020 campaign promotes the consumption of plant-based milk, for which we have been entrusted with the development of a randomizer filter. During the game, users can find out which plant-based milk they would be out of the 35 different types.

For the length of the campaign these numbers were generated:

  • Engagement: 325,000

  • Photo / video capture: 55.000

  • Share in Stories: 7.500


Morpho Communications contacted us to help create an Interactive AR Installation for Tesco Hungary to debut on the 2020 HVG Job Fair.

Tesco’s main goal was to raise awareness of food waste and to save imperfect fruits and vegetables from being thrown away. Therefore, we created a game in which these items must be caught in exchange for points. We had to emphasize cooperation, so the game only works with the presence of two players. They have to move their heads at the same time to be able to catch the falling products.

As a technical challenge we had to run the AR Filter on a LED TV so we assembled a unique kiosk installation which will be ready to use for further events.

At the end of the game, the participants were given stickers with a QR-code that hid a link to various, custom-made Instagram filters that promoted Tesco’s awareness-raising activities in a fun way.


Fritz Kalkbrenner is a well-known German DJ and music producer. With Paul, his brother, they composed „Sky and Sand” for the legendary movie Berlin Calling. 

Commissioned by Visual Vitamin we created a filter for his latest album’s “True Colours” intro campaign, which brings to life the raindrop aesthetics of the album cover and the entire promotional material.


VibePay is a social payment service through which one can request and accept money from friends. They were looking for a fresh approach for their weekly #vibepayfriday Instagram game that features a cash award for the lucky winners.

We created a filter in which money rains around the user, while VibePay’s logo also appears in motion. Players had to use the effects creatively, then post the photo or video they took on Instagram tagging @vibepay, to have a chance to win the valuable cash prize.


The Principality Building Society in Wales reached out to us to create an interactive filter for their savings campaign, which addresses children as well. In this filter, users can collect coins by blinking, with the help of the company’s mascot dragon, Dylan.


Metro Shoes is a huge multi-brand footwear retail chain in India.

To digitally celebrate the 2020 Diwali in we created a mini-game where the user had to avoid hitting shoes on the road as they rode a motorbike surrounded by carnival design elements.

Vouchers and other gifts were awarded by Metro Shoes to the players with the highest scores.


Loved by the younger generation, Mumbai-based Mochi Shoes turned 20 in 2020.

To celebrate this special occasion they started a couple of weeks long digital campaign which included our filter “Grab the shoes” too. The player had to collect as many shoes as they could under 30 seconds by controlling a trolley by head movements.

Users who shared their score on Instagram Stories had the chance to win 20% off at the Mochi Shoes online store.


Autre is a Los Angeles based magazine published in prints and also in a digital form that focuses mainly on culture, fashion, and arts. 

In our collaboration, we created an interactive filter for their publication, called Edge of Chaos, that is closely related to the theme of their magazine. 

SZAMLAZZ.HU, HUNGARY is a popular web-based invoicing application in Hungary.

To communicate the 15th anniversary of the brand they worked with Adam Kiss stand-up comedian who played three different funny characters in their youtube commercials.

Sunny Studio Sunny Studio approached us to recreate these three characters across their Instagram and Facebook in the form of filters.

The users could not only embody these people but each filter included a game (randomizer, quiz game, arcade game) as well to play for valuable gifts.

Your AR Filter in the making

See your imagination on Instagram under 2-3 weeks.

  1. Consultation

  2. Creative concept

  3. Concept approval by client

  4. Animation and graphics design

  5. Interaction development

  6. Finalisation, delivery of approved work

  7. Optional:

    • Demo video with professional model

    • Launch and run of the campaign

    • Campaign evaluation