Why AR Filters Are Crucial For Your Brand?


Elevate Your Brand's Digital Presence

In today's digital realm, standing out is more than a goal—it's a necessity.

Transform Interactions into Experiences

AR filters on platforms like Instagram and TikTok provide a novel, interactive way to engage audiences. They transform ordinary brand interactions into memorable experiences, seamlessly blending the digital with the real, making your brand a part of users' daily conversations.

Organic Sharing and Peer Endorsement

These filters encourage organic sharing, expanding your brand reach exponentially. When a user shares their AR-filter enhanced photo or video, they're not just sharing content; they're endorsing your brand to their followers. This peer endorsement, coupled with the fun and engaging nature of AR filters, fosters trust and cultivates a community of loyal brand advocates.

Measurable Engagement

Moreover, AR filters provide measurable engagement, offering insights into user interaction and the virality of your content.

Future of Digital Engagement

They are not merely a fleeting trend; they represent the future of digital engagement. By investing in AR filters, you're positioning your brand at the forefront of digital marketing innovation, ensuring a lasting, impactful presence in your industry

Harnessing the Power of AR Filters for Impactful Campaigns

Augmented Reality (AR) filters have rapidly ascended as a formidable marketing tool, yet many brands remain unacquainted with its potential. Launching your initial filter unveils a new icon on your Instagram or TikTok profile, guiding users directly to your filters page.

Sharing a story with your effect embeds a link to the filter, allowing instant access for others to try it.

For branded AR filters, tagging a business partner or influencer extends your reach and promotion capabilities, though be mindful that ad stories have restricted edit options post-publishing.

Upon publishing, each filter receives a direct link for easy sharing across social platforms, emails, or even QR codes. Once live, you are provided with daily insights including engagement, opens, saves, and shares, alongside demographic data, helping in understanding your campaign's reach and effectiveness.

AR Filter strategy


Goal Definition
Pinpoint your AR campaign's objective.

Consumer Mindset
Understand audience digital behavior.

Message Boost
Amplify campaign message with AR

Include AR as a key campaign element​1​.


Design Simplicity
Create intuitive, appealing AR filters.

Technical Exploration Embrace constraints, think in 3D.

Innovative Approach Venture beyond familiar, focus on experience.

Performance Analysis
Evaluate outcomes, derive insights.